Double-faced town. Quest game art concept.
Obracené město or Double-faced town is a story about growing up and dealing with yourself as a person. The main characters, mom and boy, arrive with a group of tourists in the seaside town. Shortly after arriving in the city, they both find out that something is wrong in the city. The rumours talk that people disappearing here. Through the portals, they get to another dimension and never return. In this "inverted town" everything is different. Its fulfil with anomalies, natural rules function here in the wrong way.
In the game, the player tries to find his mother, who is lost on the opposite side of the city. He should get through the streets of the town, avoid various dangers and discover hidden secrets of Double-faced town.
In the game, the player tries to find his mother, who is lost on the opposite side of the city. He should get through the streets of the town, avoid various dangers and discover hidden secrets of Double-faced town.

The Boy
is the main character, he's 12 years old. He is a bit naughty but smart and kind. He is small, fast and flexible, jumps high and climbs trees and window sills. He speaks the player's language. He can interact with any game location object, except those that are too heavy or place too high. During the game he collects small objects (such as stones or nuts) for shooting from his slingshot.

The Mother
is one of the NPS. She plays an important role in the story but she's not controlled by the player. It appears at the beginning and end of the game.

The Nun
is an older lady, very action and smart, used to live in the Town. She can slow you down because she wanna chat with everybody, but can help if you need a piece of information about the town and citizens.
function: she owns the game inventory, she knows the rumours and secret doors;
weakness: she can't jump high and run fast, don't understand player without translation;

The Detective
is a foreigner (he has an accent, but doesn't talk much). He visits the Town every year. He knows other languages and translates the nun's talk to the player. He is always sad and thoughtful, calm and cumbersome, seems mysterious and never talks about himself and his past. He's a tall old man, who used to be a sportsman at younger ages. Nevertheless, through time, he lost his top form. He is still moderately fast, and he's the strongest of the game characters.
function: he owns a game notepad, help in translations, he is a strongman;
weakness: he is too big for narrow tunnels et cetera;